Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wedding Cake For Michelle And Roger

This is the wedding cake I made for my cousin Michelle. The four lower cakes are only filled with rice crispys and the top/main cake is real. Michelle's mom Jill (My Auntie Jill) was going to write a bunch of words and phrases on the top cake but there was a last minute problem with the icing. I was short on time to make it perfect but it still came together great and Michelle loved it. I was really scared to make a wedding cake but it turned out to be one of the easiest cakes I've done.

The M.R. and S's stand for Michelle and Roger Spencer.

There was an amazing candy bar on both sides of the cake. Way fun!!

Michelle and Roger, the happy couple!

Bridal Shower Cake For Michelle

This is a cake I made for my cousin Michelle's Bridal Shower. Quack Quack.

Train Cake For Jace

My friend saw the train cake I made for my dad (see older post below) and asked if I could make one for her little boy Jace's birthday, on a smaller scale. I think I love making the train cakes just so I can eat some of the left over chocolate rocks! They are so good!

Baseball Cake For Jordan

This is a cake I made for my brother Jordan. It was just for fun and it only took me about two hours to do. He loves baseball and has worked at the park for years.

Birthday Cake for Kenasyn

This was for my niece Kenasyn's birthday. It was the very first layered cake I made. I learned that supports are more important than you think :-) It did turn out cute and she LOVED it. It was good practice for me, so easy to please a 7 year old!

Princess Barbie Cake for Elise

Elise got spoiled and got two cakes for her fifth birthday. This was for the small family party we had on her birthday. Mostly I just thought it would be fun to make and it was.

Beach Ball Cake For Elise

Elise's birthday party cake was a beach ball for the "Swim Party" she requested. I also turned her Barbies into Mermaids with fruit rollups. I loved the way it turned out but Elise asked when I was going to make the other half of the ball :-)

Train Cake For Dad

This is a train cake I made for my dad's 60th birthday. We took a trip on a train in Heber Utah and had the cake in Salt lake. Took me three strait days to make this and it was fun. The grass is green frosting the rocks are really chocolate and they taste like m&m's, the "dirt" is oreo's with gramcrakers the "coal" is black jellybeans the "gold" was gum that looked like gold chunks, "logs" were orange sticks.

My first cake. I came across a video on youtube showing how to make Marshmallow Fondant and I wanted to try it but had no reason to. So I made myself a Twilight cake. It sat on the counter for two weeks and then got thrown away. Ever since then I love to see my cakes cut into and enjoyed.